Special Education
New Los Angeles Charter School provides a comprehensive Special Education program with specialized academic instruction and supports which include a range of related services. Our team is committed to social justice, teaching students skills that will enable them to thrive while supporting academic success. The Special Education Department is committed to providing an inclusive free, appropriate public education that will meet your child’s unique needs in the least restrictive environment. Students’ Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) are developed through partnership with families, teachers, administrators, and related service providers and implemented through quality instruction and learning experiences that emulate our mission pillars and students' real-world experiences.
The New Los Angeles Charter Schools Special Education team will support all students in collaboration with families, communities, and school site teams within the core curriculum program to address the unique learning needs of diverse learners. Our mission is to ensure that all students with disabilities receive culturally responsive, evidence-based supports and resources that reinforces in our students a love of learning, a commitment to social action, and a deep respect for others.
For more information regarding special education or student support services, you may contact Candice Smith, Director of Special Education & Student Services, at [email protected]
Family Resources:
- A Parent’s Guide to Special Education Services (Including Procedural Rights and Safeguards)-- English & Spanish
- The IEP & You - A guide for parents with information about the IEP meeting-- English & Spanish
- The ITP & You - An informational guide for students with disabilities ages 14 and older and their families about the individual transition plan (ITP) -- English & Spanish
- Are you Puzzled by Your Child’s Special Needs - Special education services information for parents --English & Spanish
For the LAUSD Division of Special Education website please click here: https://lausd.org/sped