A great year at New LA thanks to you! Please continue to support us with your end-of-year giving. We'd like you to meet Raquel...
Parent Education Evening on November 19 at 7 pm: "Parenting Your Adolescent!" The presentation will explore the developmental changes and needs of adolescents, who we are as parents, what we want for our children, and strategies to get there.
Middle School Math Night is Tuesday, November 12 Can’t remember how to change a decimal into a percent? Forgot Pythagorean Theorem? Want to help your child at home with math but don't feel qualified?
New LA High School Fair On Wednesday, October 23, New LA hosts our annual High School Fair where families meet representatives from area high schools, hear about high school programs, and can ask questions about academics, enrichment, and admissions.
New LA Hosts "Covered California 101" New LA is pleased to host an Information Session on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") run by Bienstar. The event is open to the public. Come learn about how to shop for health insurance that meets your health care needs and financial realities. And bring your family and friends!
Walk to School Day: October 9 Walk to School Day is a yearly national event that encourages physical activity among children and youth. It is a way for parents, students, school personnel and other community members to directly experience the walk to school as they walk with students on the day of the event. It often generates wider teaching about the importance of physical activity, awareness of the fun of walking, and early identification of safety concerns.
Congratulations to the Class of 2013! Our graduates attend Wildwood, Pacific Hills, Loyola, Hollywood High's SAS, Hamilton, Fairfax, Bright Star, and more.
LAUSD Renews New LA Charter for 5-Year Term! LAUSD's Board renewed New LA's charter through June 2018.
Help 6th Grade Through DonorsChoose.org Help our students find passion for reading with "The Egypt Game."
New LA's New Enhanced Academic Program Includes World Languages The May 3 "Night at New LA" fundraiser helped raise funds for this program.