New LA's New Enhanced Academic Program Includes World Languages

Through a radical shift in how time and resources are used at New LA, the school is now better able to meet the needs of all students, whether high achievers or those below grade level. It all starts with making sure each teacher knows exactly where each student is, and having the ability to teach students in more personal and connected ways.

New LA uses a school-wide system of benchmarking, data analysis, and planning to best meet the needs of all students. The results of the data collection helps teachers create individual learning plans for each student. Students who are not meeting proficiency receive daily small-group intervention taught by core academic teachers and resource specialists. The goals of daily intervention for this group are to build academic skills; encourage academic gains; empower students with confidence and self-worth; proficiency by graduation.

New LA with very strong academic backgrounds need to be challenged and pushed. Therefore, students achieving at proficient & advanced receive daily enrichment in the form of deeper critical thinking, world language study, journalism, and more. The goals of this group are to deepen the learning experience, opportunity for academic advancement and exploration of passions.

To learn more about these programs, see our Data-Driven Instruction and World Language and Enrichment pages.