Dr. Dylan Lira » Bio


Dylan Lira has over 20 years experience in the field of education. He started his career at Compton Unified School district as an elementary teacher, moving on to teacher on special assignment and Assistant Principal. He then moved into the district office where he trained teachers, classified staff, and administrators on how to embed technology in instruction. Dylan was instrumental in developing K-12 computer science, engineering, and biomedical pathways in the district to increase the number of students entering STEM majors or careers. Most recently, Dylan worked at the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) where he supported with data, parent involvement, student services, Title I, and contracts. Furthermore, he helped develop the Local Control and Accountability Plan, the ESSER III Expenditures Plan, and the Educator Effectiveness Grant Plan. Dylan is passionate about student achievement and is excited to become part of the New Los Angeles community.